The tea tradition in Sri Lanka has centred around the British, and thus consists mainly of black teas. The small country has built up a huge production, mainly of black teas with a neutral, full-bodied character. Good for mass production but perhaps not that exciting. What not many people know, however, is that here you can also find incomparably elegant teas. The producers on the island who really want to create something out of the ordinary, have fantastic conditions. Many suitable mountain areas around 2000 metres and a lot of concentrated tea knowledge and research in a small area. After many years of mass production, the production of quality teas with a focus on craftsmanship and unique flavours is now on the rise. Here we have found some of the most elegant black teas - clear, distinctive and well-balanced.
Castle Hill OP
Starting at 3.91€
With us, you can buy organic tea online or in our physical store in Stockholm. We are also wholesalers and supply tea to restaurants and retailers. Our black teas are excellent for kombucha as our teas are both organic and of very high quality. If you prepare our teas in a bag (disposable filter), it is important that the bag is large enough so that the leaves can unfold properly. Tea has a high amount of antioxidants and is well known to be beneficial and healthy.