Shui Xian, also known as Water Sprite, is a rare and sought-after tea from Taiwan that is difficult to obtain due to small harvests and natural challenges such as insect infestations. This tea has a full-bodied character with a light floral note and a depth that provides a rich flavour experience. Behind this high-quality tea is award-winning grower Mr. Chang, who farms sustainably without the use of pesticides or fertilisers. All work on the farm, from weeding and harvesting to processing, is done by hand to ensure the natural quality of the tea. Mr. Chang's Shui Xian is also more oxidised than other similar teas, giving it a rounder, deeper flavour and a seductive aroma.
The tea comes from the Bai Gu Da Shan area of Taiwan and is harvested in spring 2024 at an altitude of around 1300 metres above sea level. The cultivator is Shui Xian, which contributes to its unique character and flavour profile.
Conventional steeping
2-3 minutes
Chinese preparation
20-60 seconds